Topics of Interest


If you would like your tax bill receipted when mailing a payment, you must include a self-addressed stamped envelope in order for us to mail it back to you.


Mount Olive Township will mail an original Tax Bill to your mortgage company, with advice copy to the owner, as long as the mortgage company has provided the Tax Office with their NJ Bank Code in writing. If we do not have the proper form with bank code from your mortgage company, then the tax bill will be mailed to the home owner and it will be their responsibility to forward the tax bill to the mortgage company.

Change of Mailing Address

Please send "change of mailing address" information in writing to the Tax Assessor's Office, or fill out the attached form:

Notice to Sellers and New Owners

Tax Bills should be transferred to new homeowners at closing. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Tax Collector's Office.

Failure to receive a tax bill does not relieve the owner from paying property taxes or delinquent interest on late payments... Per NJSA 54:4-64.